The Dug-Out
Opened in 2021, The Dug-Out is Derby County Community Trust's community allotment we are based at Little Chester Allotments – supporting a variety of participants of all ages and benefiting their mental and physical health.
The Dug-Out is an ongoing long-term project, growing fruit and vegetables for participants to enjoy at home and donate to local causes, including within our own programmes - from healthy eating in schools to our popular monthly lunch club.
The project also welcomes participants living with dementia and their carers as part of our partnership with Making Space UK. The plot is fully accessible with raised beds, a summerhouse and a polytunnel, ensuring that it is a truly inclusive space which anyone can attend and enjoy the benefits of gardening, gain support, and make new friends along the way. At our sessions you can expect to be sowing seeds, planting veg, socialising, crafting in our summerhouse, bug hunting.
Produce grown on the plot will also be given back to the community and donated to organisations such as food banks and schools, where pupils will also get the opportunity to come and work on the plot as part of their educational journey.
Our Dug-Out sessions are for anyone who wants to get outside and enjoy nature to whatever level they’re comfortable with, whether that be getting hands-on in the soil or enjoying nature from the comfort of our summerhouse.
‘Dug-Out’ sessions take place each Monday and Wednesday,
1 to 3 p.m.
Groups currently accessing the site:
Making Space – People living with Dementia and caring for people with Dementia
Derbyshire MIND – Specific Programme designed to increase well-being by engaging with nature
Team Talk – Males with mild mental health (anxiety, depression)
Primary Care Network (North) – People living with long term conditions to help increase their well-being and lifestyle score
Live it – Children aged 5 – 11 who have been identified by school nurses to increase their physical activity and improve lifestyle choices
For more information, email Luke Wilkinson.