On-Site Resources

We have a great maintenance team who are regularly on site. If you need any help, advice, to buy something or order a delivery, please ask them.

The association has a number of petrol-operated rotavators and strimmers that are available to borrow. They must be returned refuelled, or a donation made for the fuel used. If we don't feel you are competent to use the equipment, or you do not feel confident in doing so, our maintenance team are available for hire to rotavate for you.

Rotavate Yourself - Charge covers fuel, wear and tear.
Full plot - £20
Half plot - £10
Starter - £5

Plot rotavated for you - Charge covers labour, fuel, wear and tear.
Full plot - £50
Half plot - £30
Starter plot - £15

Community Room
The community room is for all plot holders to use. There are hot and cold drink-making facilities available and an honesty box. There is plenty of seating, so if you want to rest, shelter, or meet up with other plot holders, please do come along. The community room is open most weekends and a lot of the time in the week, but if it’s closed and you want to use it please ask any member of the committee who should be able to open it for you.

Trading Post
This is our allotment shop. It is open every Saturday and Sunday 10-12 throughout the growing season (March to October). We sell everything from recycled tools to bags of compost, seeds and spare plants. We also sell honey which is produced on the allotment – and is delicious. All profits go directly to the association, so we all benefit.

Manure and Woodchip
Horse Manure: We have deliveries of fresh horse manure and there are 3 options available to you:
1. A trailer load of horse manure is available from a local farmer and costs £20 a load delivered to your plot. There is often a queue for this, so get your order in early.
2. A dumper truck load is delivered by our maintenance team to your plot and costs £10 (roughly half of the farmer’s trailer load).
3. You can take a wheelbarrow load of manure yourself for 60p a barrow load.

We have deliveries of woodchip For manure or woodchip deliveries please contact Dave or Larry.

Pallets are available year-round and cost £5.00 each